Worksop Priory & Gatehouse

The medieval Worksop Priory Gatehouse

©WP&GCT / Worksop Priory Gatehouse

Worksop Priory frontage and towers

©WP&GCT / Worksop Priory Church

Welcome to the Worksop Priory & Gatehouse Community Trust website.

A rare survivor from the Middle Ages, Worksop Priory Gatehouse has enjoyed a multi-use past throughout its 700-year-history. In 2019 the Worksop Priory & Gatehouse Community Trust secured funding to help us develop as an organisation. This will allow us to explore potential uses of the building which had unfortunately been placed on English Heritage’s ‘Heritage at Risk’ register.

With support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Nottinghamshire County Council, our mission is to reconnect the community to its centuries of heritage.

Worksop Priory Gatehouse – THE MOVIE!

We have created a light-hearted animated film which will introduce you to the 700+ year history of Worksop Priory Gatehouse. You can watch the whole film in one go, or in bite-sized chunks as an eight-part series. We’re sure you’ll enjoy learning of the Gatehouse’s historic past and the role it has played in the town’s history.

Teacher resources: Learning Activity Packs

Teachers, check out our Learning Activity Packs aimed at Key Stages 1 and 2 which are full of downloadable work sheets, a lesson plan, and links to supporting videos.

Do you have stories to share about the Gatehouse?

If you require any further information or wish to share memories or experience of the Gatehouse and its historical uses, please contact the Trust by email at:

We update the information contained within this site at regular intervals, as our projects develop.

STOP PRESS: We’ve been nominated for a North Notts Business Award, in the category of Best Tourist Attraction.

Click the image below or scan the QR code to vote for Worksop Priory Gatehouse.

North Notts Business Awards 2024 Best Tourist Attraction Award nominee